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Код работы 383 СибУПК Английский язык, задание 1, цена 150 руб
Заполните следующий текст словами и выражениями, данными в рамке.
From the History of Punishment

victim;  felons; offender; beheading; adultery; pillory; punishment; execution;
deliberately;  condemned;   ancient;   medieval;  guilty;  legal;  public


wrongdoer; misdeeds;  deterrent;  retribution; death penalty;  corporal punishment; rehabilitate;  reform; barbaric;  law-abiding; humane; crime doesn't pay


Код работы 384 СибУПК Английский язык, задание 2, цена 100 руб
Вставьте следующие слова в текст:

offer, an agreement, damages, loss, contract, an acceptance, terms, considers, compensation, breach, a seller, goods, enforce, parties, to reject, sale, addition, sue, plaintiff.


Код работы 385 СибУПК Английский язык, задание 3, цена 100 руб
Перевести текст:

a) Organs of legislative, executive and judicial power are interrelated.

b) The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Federal Assembly on the recommendation of the president, interpret laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.

c) The unicameral Federal Assembly, made up of the State Duma, adopts federal law, declares war, revises treaties, has the power of the purse, and has power of impeachment, by which it can remove the President.

d) The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Appeal and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Federation Council on the recommendation of the president, interpret laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.

e) State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation is exercised by the organs of state authority appointed by the President.

f) The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, the founder of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, of human and civil rights and freedoms.

g) The President of the Russian Federation defines the basic domestic and foreign policy guidelines of the state apart from the Constitution and federal laws.

h) The President of the Russian Federation is elected for a term of four years by the citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of silent, equal and direct vote by secret ballot.

i) The heads of state organs responsible for security and defense are independent from the President.


Код работы 386 СибУПК Английский язык, задание ТК-3, цена 150 руб
Напишите короткое эссе(объем 150-200слов) на тему: «Почему я изучаю английский язык?» Why Study English ? 
Вам могут понадобиться следующие выражения: 
I’m learning English… 
a) because I want to; 
b) because my parents want me to; 
c) because English is a world language; 
d) so I can get a better job; 
e) so I can travel to different countries; 
f) so I can pass my examination; 
g) so I canspeak to visitors to my country; 
h) so I can use email/chat online; 
i) so I can surf the Internet and readwebsites; 
j) so I can understand books, magazines,songs or movies in English; 
k) for other reasons (which?).

Код работы 597 СибУПК Латинский язык, вариант 1, цена 150 руб
Задание 1.
Переведите предложения, дайте письменную грамматическую характеристику существительных.

  1. Voluntas testatoris pro veritate habetur.
  2. Edicta sunt praecepta magistratuum populi Romani.
  3. Probationes debent esse luce clariores.
  4. Omne maius continet  in se  minus
  5. Leges duodecim  tabularum  nunc quoque fons omnis publici privatique sunt iuris.-
  6. Aquaeductus est ius aquam ducendi per fundum alienum.
  7. Ait pretor: Si non habebunt advocatum, ego dabo.
  8. Quod initio  vitiosum est, non potest tractu temporis convalescere.
  9. Clementia utilis est victori et victo

10.   Romulus, primus rex Romanorum, regnavit septem et triginta annos

Задание 2. Определите время, лицо, число и залог следующих глаголов.
Veto, Accusas, Condemnat, Habemus, Videtis, Respondent, Debeo, Caves, Absolvimus, Vendebat, Emebamus, Agimus., Constituam, Facies, Punietis, Finiebant, Finimus., Audiunt, Errant, Sunt
